using ffmpeg. I use ffmpeg to convert videos from one format to the other. In order to create small video files from gifs I use this script:
# two-pass video-conversion with resizing to width
echo "$1 >> $2 resizing to width=$3 with target video-bitrate of $4"
ffmpeg -y -i "$1" -vf scale=$3:-1 -c:v vp9 -preset quality -b:v $4 -pass 1 -an -auto-alt-ref 0 -f webm /dev/null && \
ffmpeg -i "$1" -vf scale=$3:-1 -c:v vp9 -preset quality -b:v $4 -pass 2 -an -auto-alt-ref 0 $2
- -an (no audio)
- -vf (video filtering -> see below)
- -c:v (video codec options - e.g. vp9 or libx264 )
- -c:a (audio codec - e.g. vorbis)
- -preset ([ultrafast, superfast, veryfast, faster, fast, medium (default), slow, slower, veryslow])
- -b:v 1M (video bitrate )
- -b:a (audio bitrate)
[*] some video filter options
- scale=400:-1 (resize to width=400, keep aspect ratio)
- scale=iw/2:-1 (resize image to 50% of input_width resolution, might stretch/squash the image)
- scale=400:300 (resize image to 400x300 resolution, might stretch/squash the image)
- negate (invert colors)
other useful command:
- -codecs (print out a list of all codecs available on this computer)