variable density point distributions
I finally implemented my own version of the poisson disk sampling algorithm1. The standard algorithm places points on a finite 2D plane with a minimum distance $d_{min}$ between them until there is no more space for additional points. The distribution of the distances of adjacent points is a poisson distribution - hence the name. Robert Bridson described an efficient algorithm to create these samplings2. It uses a grid to store the points in them. This way every new candidate point need only check adjacent grid cells for existing points that might be closer than $d_{min}$ - no need to check every single prior point. If no existing points are too close the candidate becomes a new sample point.
In my case I wanted to make the minimum distance adjustable, thereby varying the point density (see image above). The original method of saving points in a background grid does not work, as the grid has to be finer in some and coarser in other areas. A quadtree3 is ideal for this. I tried to implement my own quadtree in C++, but got impatient unfortunately. Instead I opted to implement it in python first and maybe later recreate a faster version in C++ or Rust. I found a nice quadtree implementation in python 4 and added a method that checks if there is any point in the quadtree that is closer than $d_{min}$ to an input point.
The algorithm is sketched beneath:
import random
from quadtree import Rect, Quadtree
domain = Rect(0, 0, width, height)
number_of_candidates = 25
qt = QuadTree(domain)
first_point = (width / 2, height / 2)
points_list = [first_point]
active_points = [0] #stores indices of points in points_list that can be used to spawn new points near to them
point_counter = 1
while (len(active_points) > 0):
point_counter += 1
current_index = random.choice(active_points)
current_x, current_y = points_list[current_index]
minimum_radius = some_function(current_x, current_y)
for i in range(number_of_candidates):
candidate_point = make_candidate(points_list[current_active].x, points_list[current_active].y , minimum_radius)
if not qt.is_too_close(candidate_point) and domain.contains(candidate_point):
The deviation from the standard algorithm is that $d_min$ depends on the $x$ and $y$ coordinate of the active point. The point distribution uses the following function:
base_radius = 10
def some_function(x , y):
r = math.sqrt((x - 1.5 * width/2) ** 2) + ((_y - height/2) ** 2))
return base_radius * (1.25 + math.cos( r * 0.075))
# varies between 0.25 and 2.25 times base_radius
The function to create new candidate points is simply creating a random point within the annulus region around the current active point:
def make_candidate(anchor_x, anchor_y, minimum_radius):
angle = random.uniform(0, 2.0 * math.pi)
distance = random.uniform(1.0, 2.0) * minimum_radius
x_coordinate = anchor_x + distance * math.cos(angle)
y_coordinate = anchor_y + distance * math.sin(angle)
return (x_coordinate, y_coordinate)
I find these images highly interesting. They consist of only individual elements, yet collectively they can mimic continuous gradients from bright and dark areas.
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